My point is that the Right really doesn't understand black America, and is much more interested in lambasting it then going out in the field, reporting and learning. Cosby has commanded large crowds of black people, pulling on a conservative tradtion that stretches from Booker T. Washington to Louis Farrakhan. The crowds who come to see him understand his message of hard work and "not blaming the white man," but they also find him credible and don't think he's trying to sell them out. The same can't be said of Ward Connerly black conservatives, and there's a good reason why. The conservative position on black people is essentially a negative one. I don't mean that in a value sense, but in the literal sense. The idea is to either dismantle all elements of government which explicitly attempt to heal the old wounds of slavery and Jim Crow, and then do nothing. Of course one could argue that this is of a piece of conservative, small government ideology. Except that black people aren't stupid. They know, for instance, that most conservatives think that government should ban abortion, and some don't. They know that most conservatives are anti-illegal immigration, and some aren't. They know that many conservatives doubt global warming, but some don't. They know that many conservatives believe in standing strong with Israel, but some others don't. There even are a few David Brooks conservatives who believe in gay marriage. Yet when it comes to black folks, for decades the most impoverished demographic in America, the policy is essentially (excuse my language, but it's appropriate)--Fuck them niggers. The saddest thing about Obama's speech is that there really is not a conservative rebuttal. Peek in over at The Corner and you'll hear a lot of folks taking issue with the speech, but virtually no counter-proposals. That's because conservatives believe that black America's biggest problem is itself, and thus they see no role for government. There basic ideology is if black people would start getting married and parenting, they'd be fine. There may be some truth to that, but from there perspective--despite decades of racist policies enacted by the government--there's absolutely nothing government should do to help.
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Election 2008
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Ta-Nehisi Coates is a former writer for the Village Voice among other pubs and has a new book coming out. I also know him from way back in the day in DC/Baltimore. (No, I don't know everyone I link to, but it can help :)).
Anyway, he's written an excellent piece on the debate about Obama's speech and Why Black People Won't Join The Republican Party. An excerpt:
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Now that the press has unearthed a few minutes of controversial commentary from Obama's pastor, we can expect this question to be posed to McCain by our responsible media establishment right?
Tip of the hat to Liza Sabater over at Culture Kitchen who launched this great piece
An excerpt from I have four words for the GOP : John Hagee, Rod Parsley:
So let me play this like they played Obama:
Oh my god! He's so angry. Did he just say that? Why was he screaming that way? Does McCain think Planned Parenthood is equivalent to the KKK? He must because his spiritual guide said so. There's no way I can vote for McCain now. The beliefs of his spiritual guide clearly represent McCain's political beliefs. Why does John McCain hate America?
For more on this nonsense, see Pam's House Blend on the subject.
So the so-called "white" media discovered Jeremiah Wright's fire and brimstone style of Liberation Theology and have sought out to vilify it as the work of a racist and traitor. Hence, the lynch party to bring both Wright and Barack Obama down since, if Obama approves of the "scary negro", he must be one in waiting. Well, to all those people who fear Black Power or Liberation Theology separately and see their expression in Black Theology as an abomination, I have some choice words for you : Get over it. The United States's foreign policy did create the political conditions that led to 9/11. The United States did create the tyrant and moster they called Saddam Hussein. The United States, YOU, ME AND EVERY OTHER CITIZEN IN THIS COUNTRY is responsible for the atrocities that happen all over the world in the name of "Made In The USA" democracy.Definitely worth checking out. She had linked to three YouTube videos, but they've conveniently been removed from the site. In the meantime, I found two from Rev. Parsely to be quite interesting. Who knew he cared so much about black people?
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I'm just so proud of my folks. Yall remember Derrick from the now-infamous (900,000+ views) set of YouTube videos featuring him discussing Obama. This past Monday, the NY Times business page featured him on the front.
Today, has his response to the Obama speech. An excerpt:
Like many Americans I watched Sen. Barack Obama deliver his speech titled "A More Perfect Union." I watched in a state of minor shock, not so much at the deftness with which he defused the sophomoric conflation of his call for national unity with the inflammatory rhetoric of the retired head pastor of his church -- a conflation that would imply that we must each swallow whole the entirety of views expressed by our friends and associates. It was not his repudiation of small thinking that struck me. It was the fact that here we had an American politician speaking with both candor and compassion about the proverbial elephant in our national living room. Race is an issue that continues to confound this country. It is an undercurrent that paints our description, understanding and valuation of people in American society whether spoken or not. It is the subtext that places NBA star LeBron James and Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen on the cover of Vogue, in uncomfortable caricature of brute and ingénue. It is in the minds of some the very reason a person of color would even be considered a serious candidate for the presidency of the nation -- never mind that three centuries into the American experiment there has been to date, only one such person.More Derrick Ashong. Less Pat Buchanan! Be sure to check out the closing line. It echoes what I've been saying for some time, which is that in most elections it's the candidates being tested, but this time around, it's America that's being tested. Will we pass or fail? Follow Derrick's Take Back The Mic initiative, and see the resulting winners on health care.
I put it on Jack & Jill Politics.
It's amazing. It's one of the reasons I think it is so clear that Obama needs to be the president right now. He understands America, and with that understanding he is in the best position to lead.
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For years, Doctor Mo of the Danger Zone Show podcast out of NYC has been trying to connect with me. We finally made it happen this past week. Doctor Mo is a funny brotha and gets some good guests on his show.
In addition to the podcast, he does a week in review show via BlogTalkRadio. I called in this past Friday at 10:20pm ET (1 hour 20 min into the two hour show). Mo had a woman named Vita from Philly and a brotha from Austin -- Corey I think. They were great.
Anyway, listen to the show and show Doctor Mo some love. He's been hustlin on this podcast for some time, and it's a good, smart and funny show.
Oh, and there's a decent amount of profanity. It's not just vulgar for vulgarity's sake, but I wanted to give you a heads up.
Wasup my peoples,
I'm gonna experiment with posting some lighter stuff on the weekends around here. Got the idea from some other bloggers at this Blogger Summit in DC. Got the name from fellow comics Corey Manning and Chris Tabb in Boston, who used to do a show called "Big Funny Sundays." On Sundays I might try to post comedy from folks to lighten the mood.
The day Obama won South Carolina, I was in DC performing at my old high school. I got the news of his victory moments before hitting the state. I was a bit excited.
For those of you down to help, this message comes from Beth Bafford. She coordinated a big part of my trip to Northern Virginia a few weeks ago. She's now moved on to PA. Here's her message.
Greetings from Philadelphia! WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are embarking on a major voter registration push to get Pennsylvania voters registered as Democrats by the March 24th deadline. We have tons of volunteers from in and out of state in PA going door to door registering voters, but we need people calling as well to reach as many potential Barack voters as possible. We need to call registered independents [SUNDAY] AND MONDAY to ask them if they are Obama supporters, and if so, then we will send them voter registration forms RIGHT AWAY for them to fill out and return by the deadline! If you can help, please EMAIL ME-, and I will email you call sheets and brief scripts to use in your efforts! EVERY CALL COUNTS! If you get one independent Obama supporter to register as a Democrat, it is worth it! We have been told that we need to make 90,000 calls tomorrow- so let's show PA that New York is still working hard to elect Barack Obama as our next President!!! FIRED UP! BethUpdate: if you're on Facebook, you can join this group to help folks get registered to vote
cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics
Faith in Public Life has this out:
and the raw numbers
First, the margin of error is +/- 3 percent.Second, the number that moved the most wasn't those thinking Obama was a Muslim, but those declaring they weren't sure what his religion was. This number collapsed from 70 percent to 44 percent. The bulk of folks just don't know about Obama's religion.Within this 26 point swing, 19 percent conclude correctly that he's a Protestant, and 5 percent more now think he's a Muslim. It's not clear from this survey if those who think he's Muslim assume that to be a problem, but other surveys have found that half of Americans would be "less likely" to vote for a Muslim as president. (yes, that links to AlJazeera with the article from the Nation)
What's disappointing is the slow creep of these numbers. Of course most Americans didn't know about Obama's religion. He wasn't a truly leading candidate until late February, and most folks are busy, tired, heavily distracted and poorly informed by mass media.
As the number of people who "know" what his religion is grew, is it a problem that 20 percent of these (5 points out of the 26 point swing) got it wrong? And who's to blame?
I expect exploitation and bigotry from a subset of Republicans via email smears and shameless attack groups. Many of them have nothing better to do and lack the faith in their own ideas to do anything but play off fears of other faiths.
I did not expect and will not accept it from my so-called friends in the Democratic Party. Shame on you, Hillary, for leaving any ounce of doubt about Obama's religion and for failing to "reject and denounce" such a smear against Islam in the first place.
We are in a crucial period in this election season. As this survey shows, many people still don't know about Obama, and that ignorance will be exploited actively and passively by foe and friend. Let's set the bar of discourse higher and stop playing to the fears of- and expecting so little from the American voter.
Updated 3:55pm ET.
First a super quick note: I don't think it's an inherent smear to label someone a Muslim, but when the populace sees it as a risk and something to be avoided, it is a smear on multiple levels. It insults Islam and it insults the candidate who is not Muslim. That's all on that.
Now my real reason for updating...
The best part of posting a blog just before takeoff is that you get hours to let it sit in your head. Something was unfinished about my analysis, something important left unsaid. It came to me when a friend saw the 80 percent "newly certain" group believing Obama was Protestant. She saw this as hopeful. 80 percent is a clear majority. I see it as dangerously inconclusive.
Here's the danger.
70 percent of people in December 2007 had no idea what Obama's religion was.
Since then 26 percent have come to a conclusion, and 20 percent of those have come to the wrong conclusion. This could be good, or it could be bad. We need to wait for the next version of the survey to come out.
But here's the real rub, and the reason I'm worried. It works in politics to try to define your opponent, and what we have is 44 percent of the electorate with no clear definition of Obama's religion (and for many, this means his loyalty, patriotism, etc). He is very vulnerable to being defined by these underhanded tactics, and there's no way I can rest easy on this point.
After all, John Kerry and Max Cleland both had strong public definitions as veterans and war heroes, but somehow they were both defined as cowards, traitors and unpatriotic exaggerators. This happened to men about whom there was little to no uncertainty! Imagine what a cynical manipulative mind could do with the remaining half of Americans still very open to Obama on this religion question.
This is why Hillary's failure to categorically set the record straight about Obama's religion is so dangerous. She, more than almost anyone, knows how the GOP especially loves to use this define-your-opponent tactic, and she's acted in a way that not only says she's fine with it, but part of it.
FOFPL Steve Benen brought my attention to a new poll (PDF) showing that the rumors about Barack Obama being a Muslim are having their intended effect. Thirteen percent of respondents to the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released today said Obama is a Muslim, up from eight percent who held that belief in March.When I first saw this blog post, I was all fired up and ready to go! I had my ammo ready to launch at ignorant voters and bigoted Republicans and cynical Clintons, but a closer look at the data reveals something more nuanced.
I love this man. Sounds like he's been tapped into the JJP community :) And I love that he calls on Clinton supporters to demand more from her in declaring a continuation of these racial, fear-mongering tactics unacceptable. He calls her strategy a "suicide pact" that could sink the chances of any democrat winning in November. So true.
Glad to see such thoughtful commentary out there reaching millions.
Two weeks ago, I had the privilege to be part of The Black Comedy Experiment, a mini festival showcasing a broad range of black comedy beyond the narrow stereotype too often hyped by many media outlets. After my political show, friend, comic and mobile media mixer Sara Benincasa interviewed me in her role as street team member for MTV's Choose Or Lose campaign.
Check it out: