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Election 2008


Hillary's Foreign Policy Experience Comes Down To... A Speech?

cross posted to Jack & Jill Politics Oh this is good. This is so very good. I may be the first to catch this one. Check it. Hillary has been blasting Obama, claiming his foreign policy credentials come down to a speech he gave in 2002 in opposition to the Iraq war. In the process, she has elevated and allied herself with John McCain, an extraordinary move for someone who wants to be the Democratic nominee. So what is Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience? The Chicago Tribune has written a story focusing on her primary claims of influence. 1. That she helped bring peace to Northern Ireland by involving women's groups. Verdict: nah.
But her involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process was primarily to encourage activism among women's groups there, a contribution that the lead U.S. negotiator described as "helpful" but that an Irish historian who has written extensively about the conflict dismissed as "ancillary" to the peace process.
2. That she advocated for use of US military force in Rwanda Verdict: nope.
Whatever her private conversations with the president may have been, key foreign policy officials say that a U.S. military intervention in Rwanda was never considered in the Clinton administration's policy deliberations. Despite lengthy memoirs by both Clintons and former Secretary of State and UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright, any advice she gave on Rwanda had not been mentioned until her presidential campaign.
3. That she negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo. Verdict: uh uh.
The Macedonian government opened its border to refugees the day before Clinton arrived to meet with government leaders. And her mission to Bosnia was a one-day visit in which she was accompanied by performers Sheryl Crow and Sinbad, as well as her daughter, Chelsea, according to the commanding general who hosted her.
4. That she delivered a speech at the United Nations' women's conference in Beijing with a strong demand for women's rights. Verdict: yes
"In the years since, I have met many women from many places who tell me they were at Beijing, or had friends who were, or who were inspired by the conference to launch initiatives," [Former Secretary of State] Albright wrote in her 2003 memoir. The speech might never have happened if the first lady had not pressed for it, said one former Clinton administration official sympathetic to her candidacy who traveled with her and Albright to Beijing. The administration was conflicted about whether Hillary Clinton should go to Beijing at all because of the regime's record on human rights. "Yet she was determined to go and was convinced that her going would send a very strong signal of support for human rights," said the official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named. "Everyone at the end of the process almost certainly would have said, 'How could we be so foolish to question the wisdom of the trip?'" Still, [Former Assistant Secretary of State Susan] Rice questioned whether that trip amounted to the kind of preparation for a global crisis that Clinton has claimed. "How does going to Beijing and giving a speech show crisis management? There was no crisis. And there was nothing to manage," Rice said.
So let's just review. Hillary has claimed she is vastly more prepared to lead America in a foreign crisis than Barack Obama, whose only legitimate claim is a speech. When asked, she cites four incidents. Three of these are unsubstantiated, which is my fancy, college-educated way of saying "bullshit." The one remaining claim that may be valid is actually a speech? A speech that inspired people? You've got to be kidding me. So when Barack Obama speaks, it's words without substance, but when Hillary Clinton speaks, it's highly relevant foreign policy experience so valuable that it prepares her to manage an international crisis. She needs to be consistent. Either words matter or they don't. I think they do. I think words matter when they are used to exaggerate the role you played in your husband's administration. I think words matter when they are used to fan the flames of racial and religious bigotry. I think words matter when they are used to undermine the likely nominee of what you claim is your political party. Hillary Clinton is a fraud. Her campaign is increasingly based on false logic and false information. She is becoming so absurd, that it's absurd to even point out the absurdity. Hillary was rated as one of the top women lawyers in the U.S. some years ago. Any lawyer will tell you words matter. She knows better. We really need to put an end to this.



If Hillary Gets To Claim Michigan And Florida, Denver Will Burn

Update @ 9:39pm CT: i've posted a response here cross-posted at Jack & Jill Politics I chose an inflammatory headline because flames may be called for. Forgive me if I'm late to the party. I didn't check out Hillary's Ohio victory speech until just now. She said something extraordinary...
You all know that if we want a Democratic president, we need a Democratic nominee who can win the battleground states just like Ohio. And that is what we've done. We've won Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Michigan, New Hampshire, Arkansas, California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. And today, we won Rhode Island, and thanks to all my friends and supporters there.
Hillary Clinton has lost her damn mind. I'm gonna leave Florida alone for now. But just to be clear, in Michigan, SHE WAS THE ONLY CANDIDATE ON THE BALLOT!! How do you claim victory? How? How? How? Who did you defeat? And why is this not the big headline? It's one thing to dis voters by telling them they don't count or by intimidating them (in places like Nevada), but I'll be damned if I let this person run around like some petty dictator. There is no excuse for this, and those who support Senator Clinton also support thug politics. Why not just deploy people with AK-47s and machetes to "canvass" neighborhoods and "campaign" for you Hillary? Why the pretense of commercials and debates? I'm gonna say this much. If she gets to claim those delegates as-is, it's over. If its thug politics you want, then that's cool, just let me know, because I can bring out the thug. You want to destroy my candidate with dirty politics? Fine. You want to hide behind "35 years of experience," go ahead. But you do not get to fuck with my vote. Ya hear me!? YOU DO NOT. I will do all in my power to bring hell to your campaign and hell to the Democratic Party, and if there's one thing I've learned in this political season, it's that I have power. We all have power, much more than those who wield power regularly want us to know. THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US. MILLIONS. There are only a few of them. A Message For Those Pushing Fear Of The Alternative For those of you out there supporting Senator Clinton, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask what your soul is worth. For if you don't call her on this, you are complicit in an act of treachery. Many of us think that Senator Clinton's transgressions of racial politicking are enough to disqualify her from receiving our support, but I'm not even gonna go there. I'm just talking about democracy and rules and fairness. If you fail to stand up for democratic principles, then you are against democracy, and you are my enemy. Tell your candidate to back off. She agreed to the rules and now wants to change them. Tell her to back off. She is making a mistake. Many Clinton people have said here and elsewhere that we must ultimately support her if she's the nominee because the alternative, John 100-Years-War McCain, is unacceptable, because the Supreme Court is in jeopardy, because blah blah blah. First of all, the only way she can be the nominee is to thwart the democratic process through some underhanded means. Second, how dare you take me for such a fool? How dare you threaten me? Yes, threaten. Such tactics don't work on me, and the fact that they work on you says you can be bought at a cheap price. Don't come at me with lame ass appeals and scare tactics about the Supreme Court and how bad McCain would be. You cannot scare me into voting for a person who has shown such a lack of principle. I'm gonna be real clear on this: I ain't afraid of John McCain! We just survived eight years of George W. Bush I ain't afraid of John McCain! My mother went to too many meetings, walked in too many marches, took over too many radio stations for me to vote out of fear. I ain't afraid of John McCain! My grandmother wasn't the first black clerk at the Supreme Court, and her father did not teach himself to read just so I could vote out of fear. I ain't afraid of John McCain! Do you hear me?? My people did not build this country with their backs spilling blood, did not have their families systematically destroyed, their language stamped out, their identities stolen en masse so that I might be here today and vote out of fear. I am not afraid of John McCain or what the Republicans might do because millions of my ancestors lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean right now, and they did not die for me to cave so easily. Nothing John McCain could do as president would justify me turning my backs on my ancestors or my principles. We will survive. We have always survived. You think we're in for hard times if we don't support Hillary? You don't know hard times. We have a choice, and now is the time to stand up. If we sit by and let this go down as if we had no choice in the matter, then we might as well do away with ballots and courts and rights, get a barcode stamped on our necks and a chip inserted into our hands, and simply bow down. Don't ever come at me and try to blackmail me into voting out of fear.


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Embedded In Texas - NPR News & Notes Segment

cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics First of all, big up to rikyrah and the entire JJP fam for holding it down while I walked the streets of South Dallas for Obama over the past few days. This site continues to grow and impress me. Apologies to all for my absence. I'm still exhausted but am ready to start my steady comeback like Hillary ;) Today, I returned to News & Notes, and it was energetic as a mug. I shared the mic with Arlene Fenton (Shecodes) of Black Women Vote and Kevin Ross of Three Brothers and a Sister. Add two bloggers to your blogroll and bookmarks because these two were incredible. Here's a link to our segment (13min) plus photos from my time in Dallas. As always, there is never enough time to do justice to our topics, but I got most of my main points for the topics we did hit.
  • The mood in Dallas after the results: frustration and determination to go to PA
  • The late-breaking Clinton voters responding to Clinton negativity
  • The media bias that actually favors Clinton by continually resetting success for her despite such continued and massive losses
  • The pattern of insults from the Clinton campaign toward Obama based on exploiting race and fear
  • The calculated charge of media bias coming from Hillary which echoes the cries of conservatives and provokes an unjustified reaction by the media afraid of being painted as biased. Further victimhood by Hillary
  • "No great leader has ever lead by whining"
We had some great discussion on how aggressive Obama can get, the blackened up Obama in the Clinton ad, the role of black bloggers as we interpret these events beyond the limits of the MSM and a few more things I have so much more to share about my time in Dallas (including video), so please stay tuned over the next few days as I get my thoughts together and publish them. A little teaser
  • My door-to-door experience in all-black and mostly poor South Dallas
  • Helping run the primary for a precinct. Yes, run. I set up voting machines because no one else knew how to do it
  • Helping run the caucus for a precinct
  • Video interviews with campaign volunteers
  • More photos

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Embedded in Texas: Canvassing In The Hood, Ron Kirk And More Video

Greer Westerink is a serious Obama volunteer who has worked in her current home of Northern Cali, Las Vegas and now Dallas. I have my own video interview with her that I'll try to post tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's footage she shot, that I polished up a bit with some fancy titles. She got Ron Kirk on camera! And please listen to her and her canvassing partner, Kerry, talk about canvassing in the hood, South Dallas. peace, your embedded blogger


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Embedded In Texas - 1st Impressions, This Will Be Crazy

cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics Some quick notes on what I've seen so far in Texas. Overall, my mission here is very different than when I rolled to Virginia. Then, it was about convincing undecideds. Here, I've arrived later, and it's about turning out the vote and keeping a watchful eye on election day. Within my first two hours of arriving in Texas, it was clear that the dual primary-caucus system, known as "The Texas Two-Step," has the potential to be a major clusterf---. I'm staying with some college friends in Desoto who are on Obama's state finance committee. They warned me that the caucus locations were designed to handle 50 to 100 people, but hundreds and perhaps thousands are expected to show up. The caucuses may need to be moved outside to the parking lot. Voter enthusiasm and turnout on the Democratic side is just bananas, and I see why my friends are nervous about the caucus logistics. Here are some exciting and frightening numbers compiled by Burnt Orange Report, a Texas progressive blog:
Total In- Person And Mail Voters 2004: 114,114 2008: 698,992 % increase: 512 percent Those numbers for Dallas are 2004: 9.568 2008: 98,825 % increase: 932 percent
Yes, you read those numbers correctly. Here in Dallas, we have seen roughly a ONE THOUSAND PERCENT increase in the early voting (ended Feb 29). Tomorrow is going to be absolutely bananas. After catching up with my hosts, we rolled to Costco and purchased some food for me to take to the Dallas campaign headquarters. I also grabbed some bottled water. You can't fight without energy right? Walking into the Dallas HQ, as an out of town stranger, was a good test of the Obama campaign's organizational skill. I walked in and yelled, "I have a car full of food and water! Can I get some help unloading?" Four men instantly came over and followed me to my car, and we emptied it in one trip. One was a local. One came from New York. A third rolled from Fargo, North Dakota. Yes, Fargo! When I returned to the office, I signed in as an out-of-state volunteer and waited a minute while they got me to someone who'd figure out how to deploy me. Another in-charge type person asked me what my availability was for the week then handed me a detailed "Texas For Obama: Out-Of-State Volunteer Guide." This was much more comprehensive than anything I got in Virginia. These people were on it. While I waited to meet field organizer I'd been assigned to, I was given a list of local voters to contact via phone. They handed me a script and one of several charged, pre-paid cell phones. Our field organizer is Jeff. He worked South Carolina for six months before that primary and another state I can't recall. He's a paid Obama organizer and arrived in Texas almost immediately after Super Tuesday. He called a meeting of volunteers under his command for the next two days and talked to us about election day. This is the scary part. I am a reasonably intelligent, quantitative, college-educated citizen. I cannot understand this caucus system. Jeff was talking about precinct chairs and Robert Rules of Order and manning the lists and votes per person and percentages. I mean, it's ridiculously confusing, and I am expecting some horrors. Iowa knows how to caucus. They've been doing it for a while, but this is completely new to these folks. One of our out of state volunteers worked the caucuses in Nevada and told of nightmare scenarios in which Clinton caucusers closed the doors early and denied people an opportunity to vote. Which brings me to my next point. We got word of what to look out for from the Clinton folks. Again, Burnt Orange provides a good reference in Clinton Caucus Disruption/Vote Suppression
The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Clinton campaign training materials regarding Tuesday night's caucuses ominously advise supporters to take control of caucus sign-in sheets and vote tallies especially "if our supporters are outnumbered." ---- [Clinton caucus training material] goes on to say, "If our supporters are outnumbered, ask the Temporary Chair if one of our supporters can serves as the Secretary, in the interest of fairness. "The control of the sign-in sheets and the announcement of the delegates allotted to each candidate are the critical functions of the Chair and Secretary. This is why it is so important that Hillary supporters hold these positions." --- Now there can be only one purpose in trying to control the tally of votes under circumstances in which a campaign knows it's outnumbered, that it will lose an honest counting of the votes:  to alter the true vote. To cheat. To steal. To suppress the votes of Texas caucus attendees and subvert the caucus process. The phrase, "if our supporters are outnumbered," means, in simpler language, "If we lose the vote, take control of the vote tally and change the numbers."
Scary right? Commenter Piranha also pointed out two posts (one from dKos and one from the Dallas Morning News blog ) that highlight these dirty tactics. Piranha thank you so much! The Obama folks and trainers in Dallas are aware of the situation. And for the record, our caucus training packs do not call for us to "prevent the opposition from holding leadership positions" as the Clinton guide does. We are witnessing the old vs. new politics in action. It's amazing to see up close, and I'm excited and scared to see what will go down. Many of us will be deployed to caucus precinct locations to watch out for attempts just like this. Our mandate: greet Obama supporters, call those who haven't arrived, ensure fair access to the signin list, verify vote counts, ensure fair access to the caucus location and fair voting for precinct captains and secretaries -- not appointments out of some vague appeal to "fairness." In many ways, the secretary is more important because that person holds the sheets and vote tallies. We've seen these things disappear in the past. For any other Obama volunteers reading this, call 877-48-OBAMA, if you witness shadiness. Reports from canvassers I spoke with... Generally positive in the South Dallas area. South Dallas is like any other urban "south," that is, rough. Lots of poverty. Lots of pit bulls. Lots of enthusiasm for Obama and some horrible loose dog stories that I'll find out more about today. This was longer than I thought. I have to report to my staging area now.

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MTV Street Team Interview With Arab Comic About Barack "Hussein" Obama

Comedians are taking over the world. More from the world of NYC comedy that's relevant to our discussions. Sara Benincasa is on the MTV election street team. Despite having promoted disturbingly destructive or unattainable images of success to young people across the globe, MTV's Choose Or Lose campaign is really good. I remember checking some shows out in 2004 that had me in tears, with young ladies talking about their decision to get an abortion. This year, MTV has raised the notch, financing street teams of local journalists and media mixers all across the country. In this interview, Sara asks fellow comedian Dean Obeidallah about Barack Obama, his middle name and Christianity vs. Islam. Sara and Dean are both great comedians but also just good people. Check it



How To Canvass For Obama: Toolkit, Arguments & Anecdotes

cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics There is one guaranteed way to end the Democratic primary, and that is for Obama to win resoundingly over Hillary Clinton. If you are a supporter, it's time for you to do more. Talk to your family and friends. Volunteer. Phonebank. Donate. Canvass. The premise of his presidency is that he's offering a voice and a seat at the table to a more active citizenry. That means you. Reading about the election and feeling good inside about your vote ain't enough. I'm doing my part by 1) going to Texas this weekend and 2) offering this post as a set of useful tips on how to represent Obama to friends or strangers. If you're getting on a bus to Texas, Vermont, Rhode Island or Ohio, print this out, and read it along the way. Email it to your friends. Post it on your blogs. But please, do something. Two weeks ago, I took an Amtrak train to DC's Union Station in order to volunteer for the Obama campaign in advance of the Potomac primaries. I've written about parts of that trip here and here. What I want to do now is talk about going door to door in Fairfax County in Northern Virginia for the purposes sharing the story but also sharing the lessons. I've read a lot about this race. I've watched hours of horrible television media. I've probably written enough to fill a few books, but none of this experience quite compares to talking to a stranger in their doorway about your candidate and hearing directly from them about their concerns, their hopes and their fears. Such an activity humanizes the political process in general and the electorate in particular. Armed with a Mini Cooper from ZipCar, GPS, signs in the window, an Obama music mix, official campaign literature and material assembled by volunteers plus maps with targeted houses provided by the campaign, fellow New Yorker Greg Ross and I spent four hours making our case. Some quick stats: We visited 33 houses. 18 people were not home Of the remaining 15, here is how their support broke down before we spoke to them. 3 - undecided or would not say 2 - Republicans 8 - Obama 2 - Clinton At the end of our canvassing, we had moved one Clinton supporter into the Obama column and gave the undecideds and GOP voters something additional to think about. There's no way I can cover every possible scenario you might encounter when trying to convince someone to vote for Obama, but I will focus on the most valuable insights I've gained both in Virginia and in other personal interactions. PEOPLE CARE THAT YOU SHOWED UP I am fond of dissing the American people for not giving a damn about how their country is run, for relying on poor information and for generally being hands-off about their democracy. My canvassing, however, exposed me to something very different. The vast majority of people we encountered heard us out, asked questions and thanked us for coming. It's very easy to dismiss a candidate from the safe distance between your couch and the television or newspaper. People can hold on to prejudices and preconceived notions and are not challenged except by their own initiative. But when someone is right there in your doorway, I found that folks get down. Even people who were GOP McCain voters expressed a bit of shock and appreciation that we were there. Greg and I made a point of dropping campaign lit in every mailbox (don't do this. it's illegal. on the doorknob is cool) in our zone, even non-targeted houses, so that people could see the effort the campaign was making in really reaching out to everyone. Many of those were strong GOP households, and many will just toss the paper. However, some will remember that this Democratic candidate bothered to stop by their house even though he had slim to no chance of winning them over. BE OVERLY RESPECTFUL, AND LISTEN FIRST As a volunteer for someone's campaign, you represent them. There are things I've written on this blog, among a community of people who generally agree with me, that I could and would never say to a stranger in their home. I don't know their context and quite frankly, my anger (at Clinton over race-baiting for example) could turn off someone who's unaware of the full situation. Consider how Obama himself might deal with someone, especially a hostile person, and try your best to represent that grace and savvy. Think tai chi, not boxing. Before launching into my case, I learned to ask people what they care about. There may be no point in spouting off for several minutes on Iraq if the only thing they care about is health care. Depending on their answer, you can put together an answer that explains Obama's position, experience and contrasts with Clinton. I also caution you not to take the bait when dealing with people who just hate Hillary, especially Republicans. We came across two strongly anti-Hillary Republicans. The first was a man who said, "I'm voting for Obama. I'll do whatever it takes to keep that bitch out of office." I mean dude was hateful. His wife said she wasn't sure who she'd vote for, and he jumped in, "Don't you dare vote for that woman." The other was a woman who said, "There's just something about her. I don't normally care about politics, but she brings out the worst in me." When I pressed her on what exactly got her so upset about Hillary, she said simply, "She's Bill's wife." In cases like these, just let it go. No need to pile on or inflame such negativity. Obama's victory need not depend on Hillary's negatives. He's a strong, and I think superior, candidate in his own right. Play up that angle as much as possible. KNOW A LOT ABOUT YOUR CANDIDATE I think we've all learned from Kirk Watson the danger of being unprepared to take a tough question. At a minimum, you must know all the information you're handing to these people. If it's a one pager, read it, and know it before you give it to someone. Read Obama's Blueprint For Change, and bring a copy with you for reference. In fact, I care so much that you come correct, that I've put together this Obama canvassing pack. It's got one-pagers of info (Spanish too), posters and music to blast in your car as you roll. YOU CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONEGoing door to door you are a salesman. There are good salesmen and bad ones. A bad one will sell you something you don't need and lie about the product. A good one will know when to walk away because he knows this product isn't right for you. You will be tempted. You'll have someone on the ropes, and they'll ask you something like, "does he believe in killing babies?" You can't bend this. I've been amazed at the range of opinion among Americans and even more amazed that anyone can become president in a nation with such varied views.Liberals have accosted me for what they think is Obama's half-hearted heath care plan, meanwhile moderates or conservatives fear that he'll expand the size of government and reduce their medical choices. How can anyone please all these audiences?I won't give you my responses to questions on specific issues (although I have some good ones). There' not enough time, so I want to focus on the big picture stuff. Here's how I make my case. Feel free to adapt it for your own needs. This is written as me talking to a voter. Stuff in parentheses are my notes to you, the blog reader. HOW TO ANSWER THE "LACK OF EXPERIENCE" ARGUMENT (I touched on this in an earlier post, but it bears repeating.) I hear this a lot, and I'm happy to address it. I'm just curious, where did you get the idea that he doesn't have experience? (they always say the news. always. always.) Have you visited his website? (they never have. ever. ever. make it easy for them...) Here, take this one-pager. (PDF) It gives an overview of 11 issues and what Obama has done plus a summary of his plans. (This is so important. Most folks are mad busy. They have limited time to themselves and are busy with their kids, jobs and often precarious financial situation. If you're lucky, they scan the front page of the newspaper, but mostly, they watch television, and mainstream television is quite possibly the worst medium for delivering accurate and complete information. Give them a piece of paper. There's no typing, searching or logging in. Back to building the case...) If you really value what you call experience, you don't have a candidate. Bill Richardson represented experience to the fullest. He is a governor, served in the cabinet as energy secretary and was ambassador to the United Nations. Chris Dodd put in a lot of time as did Joe Biden. All of these people are out of the race, so let's deal with the two left on the Democratic side. Obama has spent more time in elected office, accountable to voters, than Hillary. She likes to claim "35 years of experience" versus him as "a first term Senator," and she says it so often you start to believe it, but he spent eight years in the Illinois legislature and three years in the US Senate. That's 11 years versus 7 in the US Senate for Hillary. Working in the state legislature is important. Legislatures must balance the budget, deal with crime, economic development and more. Hillary no doubt has been around quite a while, but she was often an observer, advisor or policy wonk. She as sat on many commissions, but rarely faced the threat of losing her job if her ideas failed. Obama got significant things done in Illinois. My best example is reform of the death penalty. You might recall that 13 people on death row were found to be innocent by DNA evidence. The Republican governor put a moratorium on executions. Whether you are pro- or anti-death penalty, you agree that innocent people should not be killed. A big part of innocent people ending up on death row is that their confessions are coerced by corrupt police. Chicago is notorious for police corruption. So what did Obama do? He proposed video taping all confessions in capitol cases.
  • First of all this solution demonstrates very clear analytical abilities. He didn't say let's completely get rid of the death penalty, nor did he propose to do nothing. The problem was that the governor, prosecutors and police were adamantly opposed and felt such tapings would tie the hands of the police (not a bad idea actually :)), yet Obama worked and got the bill passed unanimously. How?
  • It was that talking-to-your-enemies thing that Hillary likes to deride so much. He played poker, smoked cigars, and generally went on a diplomatic offensive and got all of his initial opponents to agree with him. (You might also talk about his work on ethics reform or children's health insurance, but I prefer the death penalty because it's such an emotional issue).
Experience goes beyond holding public office, and here is where I think Obama has unique advantages over Hillary. He worked as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. It's important to understand what that means. A community organizer's first job is to listen. He went door to door, often rejected by people who thought it was a waste of time to try to change things, and he listened to what their problems were, identified common concerns and helped mobilize them to improve their situation. The spirit of his community organizing days lives on in his campaign and would also exist in his administration. Imagine the benefits of having someone with such respect for grassroots organizing sitting in the White House
Beyond his state legislative experience, he was a civil rights attorney and constitutional law professor. Given the abuses we've seen with illegal wire-tapping and imprisonment of even US citizens without charging them with a crime, wouldn't it be nice to have a president who had a deep understanding of the Constitution?
In the US Senate he immediately got to work. He partnered with Republican Dick Lugar to combat proliferation of nuclear weapons (very important in these days of terrrr). He passed significant ethics legislation in the form of lobbyist reform and he passed the "Google for Government" bill which lets anyone go to and see where the government is spending your money. You can go there right now, type in Halliburton and see how much money you're giving them with your tax dollars. If you want the best example of his experience, look no further than his campaign. Remember that Obama is someone introduced to the national scene only four years ago. He had no name recognition, organization or fundraising machine. He is running against a 16-year arsenal established by both Hillary and Bill Clinton, a former president wildly popular with Democrats. Despite this lopsided battle, Obama is winning. He has more money, donors, votes, delegates, states and a wider margin of victory. He has done this under attacks that question his qualifications, patriotism, religion, and race. He has done this almost entirely without returning negative fire. You don't hear about Obama campaign workers and surrogates resigning for spreading nasty emails or having to apologize repeatedly for sexist statements. Obama is in charge of a 700-person operation, and it's performing almost flawlessly. If Hillary's 35 years of experience (and 12 year head start) are so valuable, why is she losing? (optional item for those who have a severe distrust of any politician) More time in the system is not necessarily a good thing. I assume that the longer and higher you are in politics, the more you become separated from the lives and concerns of the governed. You cannot help it. A bubble is built around you by advisors and staffers and lobbyists and money people, and before you know it you're wholly disconnected from "the average American." Michelle Obama put it best when she said, "we're still close to normal." It wasn't that long ago that the Obamas were paying off student loans. If longevity in politics generally means you're more corrupted then Obama is far less corrupt than Hillary. Closer: I'm happy to discuss with you his experience versus Hillary's experience, but it's just not right to say that he doesn't have experience. The last guy we visited in Virginia was an adamant supporter of Hillary. The first words out of his mouth were "You're at the wrong house. I'm not giving a dime to Obama." Ouch. When we asked why, he said, "He has no substance. Maybe in four or eight years I could vote for him. He needs more experience." Over the course of 10 very cold minutes, we employed the techniques above. When I asked him where he got his info, he actually said, "I see it all over the news. I read something by Joe Klein. He said Obama has no experience." When I asked if he had gone to Obama's website to verify this, he admitted he had not. That's when I hit him with the one-pager. Slowly, the view of the world to which he had committed himself (35 years vs. No Experience) was crumbling, and he was visibly upset about it. We were forcing him to integrate new information, and that was changing his mind and possibly his vote. I'm sure he still voted for Hillary, but I'm also sure that he was shaken that day and that the "no experience" claim to which he had been subjected had lost much of its power over him. As I said above, I could go on for a while on particular issues and how I talk about them, but it's mad late, and I'm tired. Instead, I'll offer one more suggestion that has made a significant difference in me connecting with people. Last bit of advice. HAVE YOUR OWN STORY You will need to fill this in for yourself, but it's important that you have a personal story. I found that people respond most strongly to my "testimony" if you will. It goes something like this I have rarely felt like a full member of American society and hardly ever considered myself an "American." This country has done so much dirt, not just to my people but people around the world, that I've taken some pride in distancing myself from it. Obama is the first national politician to make me feel this invested again and to make me feel like an American. I've read both of his books, and especially in his first one, he gets America. He articulates this country's history, through his own family history, in such a compelling way that I think the book should be part of school curricula. I think he brings unique and valuable experiences to the presidency including a respect for grassroots activism due to his community organizing, time as professor of Constitutional law, Illinois state legislator, US Senator and head of one of the most well-run presidential campaigns in memory. I also think he's run a far more positive and effective campaign than Senator Clinton. My faith in his presidency is not merely in him as a smart, decent and exceptional person, but in his ability to galvanize the American people into doing more to reclaim their society and their government. He not only talks about this but offers to the tools to realize increased civic engagement with a revolutionary plan for government transparency and technology innovation. If you follow the money behind him, it's increasingly clear that he is backed less by corporate interests (although they still exist) and more by a massive base of ordinary citizens. If he gets elected, it will be because of us. If his administration is successful, it will be because we picked up the tools he planted for us and used them both to hold him accountable -- what politician directly offers voters tools to hold him accountable?? -- and to better this country and collectively get about the business of solving our problems. If we fail to do so, then so be it, and it wasn't meant to be. But I'm standing here now because I believe we can find common ground, because I believe citizens who ignore their government lock themselves out of the process at their peril and because I believe we can make a difference. In this election, we are being offered a rare opportunity to play a significant role in the way our country is run. In most elections, it's the politician who is being tested, over their knowledge, positions on issues, etc. In this election, I think we are the ones being tested. We are the ones we've been waiting for.



Derrick Ashong Returns, Asks Us To Participate In Open Mic Politics

cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics Well, Derrick is at it again. I guess I can stop claiming him since YouTube has sort of set this brotha on another level with his two videos so far. (For anyone new to the Internet, Derrick answered a man-on-the-street question about Obama a few weeks back, and that video is near 600,000 on YouTube now, plus his response is over 170,000). So what's next? Rather than create some punditocratous platform for himself (I kid because I love :)), he's hoping to demonstrate that he's not alone among young voters willing to spit substance about their stance on a candidate or issue. Every week, citizens will upload their statements and submit to a voting process. The winner will get a $100 donation made to their candidate, and hopefully we all get a more informed, articulate election year discourse. Check the new video, and then Take Back The Mic
