An Open Letter to Republicans in Open Primary States: Vote for Obama This is an open letter to my American brothers and sisters among the Republican Party who have yet to vote in your state’s primary. If your state is among those that are OPEN primaries, I am writing to ask you to consider voting for Barack Obama. For those of you who are not aware, an open primary registered voters of one party can request and vote upon the ballot of the other party. This is a truly powerful and progressive privilege, and in this year’s election, with John McCain as your party’s de facto nominee, you should consider the rare opportunity you have to venture across the party line, albeit temporarily, to vote for Senator Obama. It might be enough for some of you that a vote for Barack could effectively guarantee that Hillary Clinton is blocked from reaching the general election, but I will ask you to consider voting for Senator Obama on the basis of a higher plain of reasoning. On principle, I am not registered with either party. As an Indpendent, I voted for Bush in 2000, Kerry in 2004, and in this election I support Senator Obama. Recently, I have spoken with a handful of Republican friends and relatives who have expressed not only a respect for Senator Obama, but even a willingness to consider voting for him (one direct quote: “he’d be the first lefty I’ve ever voted for!”). Everytime I hear something like this, I smile. I can’t help it. And I can’t help thinking: if there are ten, there might be ten thousand who hold a similar secret (or not-so-secret) admiration for Obama. Now, much has been made of the inspirational note that he strikes in his speeches, and rightfully so. But the next time you’re watching coverage of an Obama rally, turn down the volume and observe two things. First, watch his face, and especially his eyes. For those who pay attention to such things, there is—despite the grueling schedule of his whirlwind campaign—a consistent mark of intent yet patient intelligence, a visible directness that seems to meet the audience halfway. Second, look beyond Senator Obama, and see how the crowds that gather around him forge a powerful tableau of American diversity: the faces in the bleachers blend in a display of the mottled beauty that is our diverse heritage. There are men, women, senior citizens, babyboomers, and droves of the oft-reputed apolitical generations X and Y. And now, imagine adding to this tableau a contingent—even if it be a small one—of Republicans not afraid to recognize a leader with the ability to bring a universally desired change to the earmarked halls of Washington, D.C. One can see the potential power of a message by its ability to attract a large crowd. But one will know the true transformative power of a message by the diversity of the crowd that gathers to listen. And the world—at home and abroad—is listening to Barack Obama. Here is an individual who has re-engaged large swathes of the American populace with the American political process, and who—as a perspective national figurehead—possesses the rare potential to re-engage the goodwill of the World community and introduce to them a renewed American identity. Consider, for one, Senator Obama’s bold assertion to hold diplomatic discussions with foreign leaders branded by our current president as members of the “axis of evil.” The current administration’s policy of “diplomatic embargo” and isolating un-friendly nations is a modern phenomenon based upon a new wave of false patriotism and xenophobia. Recall that throughout the Cold War, American presidents communicated directly with their Soviet counterparts (Kennedy with Kruschev, Reagan with Gorbachev), and it very well might have been this direct communication that kept the Cold War from ever heating up. On the more immediate level, I believe that if you cast your vote for Barack Obama in the open primary, you would be voting in favor of a more enlightened debate in the general election. Senator Obama has made a policy of not attacking Hillary on anything other than what is based on fact. Meanwhile, in South Carolina, the Clinton campaign showed its willingness to bring a knife to a boxing match as former POTUS Bill put on a shameful display of race-baiting. Obama kept his head up and weathered the assault with a tremendous amount of grace. After Senator Obama’s recent eight-state winning streak, Hillary is spinning yet another yarn, calling him as a candidate of speeches and not a candidate of substantive policy [hint: go to, click on the word “ISSUES” and you’ll find Senator Obama’s “Blue Print for Change,” which lays out in plenty of detail his position on fifteen major issues, the first and foremost of which is ETHICS]. Needless to say, I suspect that an election between McCain and Clinton would deteriorate into a montage of Bill Clinton, red-faced and jabbing his finger in the nose of anyone who criticizes his wife, and McCain raising the spectres of the Rose Law firm, Whitewatergate, and Bill’s oval office infidelities. Personally, I dread the idea of five months watching the dirt fly as the political steam shovel we’ve all grown to detest digs up skeletons from the 1990s. On the other hand, I would welcome the opportunity to watch a debate between Senators McCain and Obama. Although it would be just as vigorous and heated as any election, I believe that the trajectory of the debates would be more enlightened, more forward-looking and issue-driven. Furthermore, with respect for the candor of both Senators McCain and Obama, I believe that each of these candidates would be mutually elevated by the other: two strong, vigorous competitors making for a strong, vigorous competition. And I smile when I think of this. I can’t help it. This would be the kind of debate that the American people deserve. So I remind you once more of the rare opportunity you have to bring this forward-looking debate to the stage by casting your vote for Senator Barack Obama in your state’s open primary. And then, on Tuesday, November 4th, after the great debates have ended, we’ll all line up for the same ballot, free to re-join our respective party lines. Or not. Sincerely, The Reverend John DeLore Brooklyn, NY SCHEDULE: Tues, 03/04: Ohio [OPEN, 2/3], Rhode Island, Texas [OPEN, 2/4], Vermont [OPEN, 2/27] Sund, 03/09: Wyoming [dem. only] Tues, 03/11: Mississippi [OPEN, 2/10] Tues, 04/22: Pennsylvania [OPEN, 3/23] Tues, 05/06: Indiana [OPEN, 4/9], North Carolina [closed, 4/6] Tues, 05/13: Nebraska [closed, 5/2], W.Virginia [closed] Tues, 05/20: Kentucky [closed, 4/22], Oregon [closed, 4/29] Tues, 05/27: Idaho [OPEN, 5/27—register day of] Tues, 06/03: Montana [OPEN, 5/3], New Mexico [closed, 2/5], South Dakota Sat, 7/12: Nebraska Links to state election offices & list of open primaries.
Viewing entries in
Election 2008
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This letter was passed on to me recently. There's been a lot of talk about Republicans for Obama (Obamacans), often followed by the assertion that they are faking their support for him. This writer, a Brooklyn-based reverend, no less, makes a stronger appeal to Republicans than merely Clinton-bashing...
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rikyrah just told me she thought my last post about the Ohio debate should not have hidden the article I referenced in the end. I agree. Much of my case for Obama rests on his premise that "activating the civic gene in Americans" (my term) is ultimately what's necessary to solve our biggest problems.
Ok, sounds good. But where he differs is in offering the tools to realize that engaged public. You can find it in his technology plan and government transparency initiatives. Any politician can "talk" about getting citizens engaged, but it's a rare one who also promises to provide the tools of said engagement.
So that's two points.
1) he talks about increased transparency and civic engagement
2) he promises to offer the tools to make that engagement effective
But wait, there's more. He has already delivered on this idea in the financing of his campaign. That's where this article by Robert Parry comes in. Parry explains the significance of Obama's non-traditional financial support. Obama is beholden to the people. Hillary is beholden to more established, moneyed interests.
The more I think on it, the more significance this point makes. Go back to the piece I wrote where I discussed the compromises all ascending politicians make by necessity and the concept of "who does Obama owe?" Well, increasingly, he owes us.
But read on, and check this excerpt:
While some cynics still view Barack Obama’s appeal for “change” as empty rhetoric, it’s starting to dawn on Washington insiders that his ability to raise vast sums of money from nearly one million mostly small donors could shake the grip that special-interest money has long held over the U.S. government. This spreading realization that Obama’s political movement might represent a more revolutionary change than previously understood is sparking a deepening resistance among defenders of the status quo – and prompting harsher attacks on Obama. Right now, the front line for the Washington Establishment is Hillary Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, which has been stunned by Obama’s political skills as well as his extraordinary ability to raise money over the Internet. Obama’s grassroots donations have negated Clinton’s prodigious fundraising advantage with big donors. Powerful lobbies – from AIPAC to representatives of military and other industries – also are recognizing the value of keeping their dominance over campaign cash from getting diluted by Obama’s deep reservoir of small donors. It’s in their direct interest to dent Obama’s momentum and demoralize his rank-and-file supporters as soon as possible.Money rules the world. If the money is increasingly from the people, then we have a shot at actually getting a seat at the table. It's not just talk. It's not just promises. It's the real deal. If you want to add to the donor pool, go right ahead. It's a good investment. Fired Up!
cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics
As usual, yall rocked the open thread. I was on a shaky Internet connection, so MSNBC's stream fell off, but I kept up thanks to yall. Read the transcript on the train this morning, and I thought the following were worth highlighting from Obama on Iraq and mobilizing the American people.
BTW, I think Hillary did fine. The SNL callout and whining about getting the debate question first did look petty, but I think she did OK in explaining the breadth of her actions around trade and in discussing Russia. Her attempt to over-anti-anti-Semitism Obama also read a bit awkward.
Tim Russert was a bit of an asshole overall. If you have concerns about Obama's church, please check the facts.
Obama on Iraq. Many have commented on his "drive the bus into the ditch" line, but the entire answer I thought was pretty good.
Let me just follow up. My objections to the war in Iraq were simply -- not simply a speech. I was in the midst of a U.S. Senate campaign. It was a high-stakes campaign. I was one of the most vocal opponents of the war, and I was very specific as to why. And so when I bring this up, it is not simply to say "I told you so," but it is to give you an insight in terms of how I would make decisions. And the fact was, this was a big strategic blunder. It was not a matter of, well, here is the initial decision, but since then we've voted the same way. Once we had driven the bus into the ditch, there were only so many ways we could get out. The question is, who's making the decision initially to drive the bus into the ditch? And the fact is that Senator Clinton often says that she is ready on day one, but in fact she was ready to give in to George Bush on day one on this critical issue. So the same person that she criticizes for having terrible judgment, and we can't afford to have another one of those, in fact she facilitated and enabled this individual to make a decision that has been strategically damaging to the United States of America. With respect to Pakistan, I never said I would bomb Pakistan. What I said was that if we have actionable intelligence against bin Laden or other key al Qaeda officials, and we -- and Pakistan is unwilling or unable to strike against them, we should. And just several days ago, in fact, this administration did exactly that and took out the third-ranking al Qaeda official. That is the position that we should have taken in the first place. And President Musharraf is now indicating that he would generally be more cooperative in some of these efforts, we don't know how the new legislature in Pakistan will respond, but the fact is it was the right strategy. And so my claim is not simply based on a speech. It is based on the judgments that I've displayed during the course of my service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, while I've been in the United States Senate, and as somebody who, during the course of this campaign, I think has put forward a plan that will provide a clean break against Bush and Cheney. And that is how we're going to be able to debate John McCain. Having a debate with John McCain where your positions were essentially similar until you started running for president, I think, does not put you in a strong position.Obama on Mobilizing the American People
You know, she mentioned that she is a fighter on health care. And look -- I do not in any way doubt that Senator Clinton genuinely wants to provide health care to all Americans. What I have said is that the way she approached it back in '93, I think, was wrong in part because she had the view that what's required is simply to fight. And Senator Clinton ended up fighting not just the insurance companies and the drug companies, but also members of her own party. And as a consequence, there were a number of people, like Jim Cooper of Tennessee and Bill Bradley and Pat Moynihan, who were not included in the negotiations. And we had the potential of bringing people together to actually get something done. I am absolutely clear that hope is not enough. And it is not going to be easy to pass health care. If it was, it would have already gotten done. It's not going to be easy to have a sensible energy policy in this country. ExxonMobil made $11 billion last quarter. They are not going to give up those profits easily. But what I also believe is that the only way we are going to actually get this stuff done is, number one, we're going to have to mobilize and inspire the American people so that they're paying attention to what their government is doing. And that's what I've been doing in this campaign, and that's what I will do as president. And there's nothing romantic or silly about that. If the American people are activated, that's how change is going to happen. The second thing we've going to have to do is we're actually going to have to go after the special interests. Senator Clinton in one of these speeches -- it may have been the same speech where you showed the clip -- said you can't just wave a magic wand and expect special interests to go away. That is absolutely true, but it doesn't help if you're taking millions of dollars in contributions from those special interests. They are less likely to go away. So it is important for us to crack down on how these special interests are able to influence Congress. And yes, it is important for us to inspire and mobilize and motivate the American people to get involved and pay attention.This point is critical and is usually my "closer" in arguing my case for Obama versus Clinton. rikyrah pointed out that Obama has reached his one millionth donor, and commenter Angela put me on to this article which explains the significance of his non-traditional financial support. Obama is more beholden to the people than Clinton is. He's not just talking about limiting the influence of lobbyists, etc. He's being about it. But read on, and check this excerpt:
While some cynics still view Barack Obama’s appeal for “change” as empty rhetoric, it’s starting to dawn on Washington insiders that his ability to raise vast sums of money from nearly one million mostly small donors could shake the grip that special-interest money has long held over the U.S. government. This spreading realization that Obama’s political movement might represent a more revolutionary change than previously understood is sparking a deepening resistance among defenders of the status quo – and prompting harsher attacks on Obama. Right now, the front line for the Washington Establishment is Hillary Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, which has been stunned by Obama’s political skills as well as his extraordinary ability to raise money over the Internet. Obama’s grassroots donations have negated Clinton’s prodigious fundraising advantage with big donors. Powerful lobbies – from AIPAC to representatives of military and other industries – also are recognizing the value of keeping their dominance over campaign cash from getting diluted by Obama’s deep reservoir of small donors. It’s in their direct interest to dent Obama’s momentum and demoralize his rank-and-file supporters as soon as possible.Fired Up!
cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics
Thanks to JedReport on DailyKos I was put on to another ugly fact about the Clinton campaign. Her chief strategist, Mark Penn, works with John McCain's top advisor. More dirt. It never stops.
I think we've done a good job covering this campaign between our posts, your comments and of course, the Clinton Attacks Obama wiki. However, there's only one solid way to end this. Sure it may help to write or call the DNC (202-863-8000) or write respectful letters to her campaign, but the best way is to beat Hillary Clinton, resoundingly, on March 4th. People, we cannot let this madness continue.
Here are steps you can take to ensure Obama rocks this thing and closes the chapter on these shady people.
- Make phone calls for the campaign
- Sign up to volunteer for the campaign
- Donate to the campaign
- Register to vote!
- Use these canvassing resources I have put together
- Know Obama's platform
The video department at Slate has done a great deed
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I'm so proud of the people I know. A few weeks back, my boy Derrick Ashong held it down for Obama and yesterday fellow NYC comedian Lee Camp straight up punked Fox News. Lee and I have worked together for countless shows as part of Laughing Liberally. The entire clip is three minutes. Watch the entire thing. It's so worth it.
You can catch Lee all month on Comedy Central's Fresh Debate 08 series of clips.
A more popular version of Lee's Fox News clip is available here, and you can Digg it here, but I wanted to provide the entire segment so you could see just how bold his question was. He laid in the cut and then BAM!
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A definite highlight of the State of the Black Union was the presence of one of my heroes, Dick Gregory, throwing in much real talk. In this clip, he destroys the idea of Bill Clinton as the first black president.
He also goes after the alleged pathology of black folk (such as being lazy) by reminding us of the assault that many black people and neighborhoods endure on a regular basis. The best line of the entire event has got to be
"What are you puttin in my malt liquor, white boy?!"
Check this joint out. Post it on your blogs!
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This is very important.
I almost forgot. In my post early this morning about Sheila Jackson Lee's comments, she referenced her bill, HR 4545, which would mandate equal sentencing for crack and cocaine. She also talked about an early release program.
Here's the video of Sheila Jackson Lee again. Skip to minute six.
It's a good idea. Too bad her candidate, Hillary Clinton, has attacked Obama for his support of that very idea. There's more coverage here of Hillary's failings on this important matter of justice for black people and indeed all people. Of course, Bill Clinton blew his opportunity to do more for black folk besides play the sax and appoint us to cabinet positions when in 1995 he failed to stand up for equal sentencing. Sure, Bill apologized for slavery, but he also launched the unfair imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of black people.And in case you think I'm just in an anti-Clinton mood, check out the positive work Obama has done and proposed on this issue. Just words??? How can the Congressional Black Caucus, the so-called "conscious conscience of the Congress" ignore this central issue for black people?
This is why folks are hating on CBC support of Hillary Clinton. It's not because we think they have to support Obama just because they're black. It's that their support of Clinton ignores her record and her campaign's race-baiting attacks in this campaign.
As commenter Nquest put it
To me, it's a matter of principle and, Jack, that's where I draw the line with SJL, etc. As a matter of principle, they should challenge Hillary on the race-baiting, to apply pressure to make her understand vs. defending her blindly without holding her to account, OR they should respectfully reconsider by either withdrawing or switching to Obama if they feel so inclined. But staying with Hillary and pretending like her diarrhea don't stink should never be what principled Black people do. And that sexism stuff was as forced and "aloof" as Hillary's strained and reluctant, half-azz apology. "My husband apologized for slavery..." Hell at least write her damn speeches and tell her how to respond to questions about her campaign's race-baiting because Hillary f-cked that up going off on her own. I mean, if you're not going to be any good as far as Black people are concern in terms of ensuring that they (we) are okay with where you stand... at least straighten your girl out. Damn.
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Frank Rick at The New York Times, puts it down in The Audacity Of Hopelessness.
When people one day look back at the remarkable implosion of the Hillary Clinton campaign, they may notice that it both began and ended in the long dark shadow of Iraq. It’s not just that her candidacy’s central premise — the priceless value of “experience” — was fatally poisoned from the start by her still ill-explained vote to authorize the fiasco. Senator Clinton then compounded that 2002 misjudgment by pursuing a 2008 campaign strategy that uncannily mimicked the disastrous Bush Iraq war plan. After promising a cakewalk to the nomination — “It will be me,” Mrs. Clinton told Katie Couric in November — she was routed by an insurgency. The Clinton camp was certain that its moneyed arsenal of political shock-and-awe would take out Barack Hussein Obama in a flash. The race would “be over by Feb. 5,” Mrs. Clinton assured George Stephanopoulos just before New Year’s. But once the Obama forces outwitted her, leaving her mission unaccomplished on Super Tuesday, there was no contingency plan. She had neither the boots on the ground nor the money to recoup.But wait, there's more.
I was in too much of a hurry yesterday to actually cross-post these from Jack & Jill Politics, but you should check them out
- State Of The Black Union Open Thread: 50 comments so far!
- Shame On You, Barack Obama?? Really?: I smack Hillary for her false indignation over Obama's Ohio mailers about NAFTA and health care
- SOBU: Nicole Lee From TransAfrica Keeps It Real: Video of statements about American foreign policy and black folks. Very insightful and too-rarely discussed
- More SOBU: Jackson Lee Says Don't Be Angry; Sharpton Kills; And More: I string together several videos across the day featuring supporters of Hillary in the Congressional Black Caucus and closing with a rousing statement from Al Sharpton. You really should read this joint :)