[NP] The Year in Racism
EXTRA, EXTRA!, originally uploaded by my hovercraft is full of eels.
My people. I am so excited. For those who've known me a while, you'll remember that I started with this comedy thing through writing. The title "NewsPhlash" is from my college-era email newsletter, and I wrote funny joints in The Harvard Crimson. All good. Well, after a seven year break, I have returned to the world of print journalism. Check out my piece "The Year in Racism " in Boston's Weekly Dig newspaper.
Here's the teaser line:
"From KKKramer, to scholarships for white folks, to the return of Trent Lott, it was not a pretty year"
I'm a huge fan of the Dig (the Weekly, not the Big) and have wanted to write for them for a while. Let me know what you think. Reply here or post comments up on the Dig's site. Let `em know your boy is back!!
Happy ChristmaHannuKwaazika!
- Baratunde Thurston
www.baratunde.com (always)