So... How did Def Jam Go??? (lord am i tired!)
On site with Kevin Bright, originally uploaded by baratunde.
Here's a quickie for ya.
This has been a great comedy weekend, and it ain't over!
Thursday, Mandy Donovan and I entertained folks for the Providence-based Advent House fundraiser. It's a revolutionary group that provides housing and services for the homeless. It was also one of my best shows ever. I learned a lot about working the crowd and actually did my set, Oprah style, from the center of the dining hall, walking around and makin the folks laugh for a good 40 minutes.
I gotta thank my Chicago summer improv training for teaching me to go with my gut on that one and really embrace all sorts of possibilities I could never have scripted. For example, at one point during my set, I got hugged by a 50 year old white dude named Don. I don' think he came to the fundraiser thinking he was gonna hug a black man, but he did, and the crowd ate it up! It also proved that I can work right-leaning, older crowds just as well as the lefty, city folken. Big up to me!
Last night was the Def Comedy Jam audition. Hotness!! Big up to Corey Manning for getting Def Jam to do its first ever talent recruiting in New England. Corey is one of the most community-oriented brothas I know, and hilarious to boot. Keep an eye out for him. I feel great about my set. I hit them with my political stuff, and the crowd really dug it. Also, I was the first act, so it's even more special to me.
It was very cool to see my stuff play on Thursday to a right-leaning older white crowd and Friday to a young audience full of black folk and Cape Verdeans. Both the Boston and Providence shows were great. Thanks for those who came out last minute.
This morning, I was on site for a shoot at 8am! (after getting home from Providence after 2). I played a small part in a TV pilot being shot by hilarious sketch group, ZEBRO. The project is being produced by Kevin Bright (Friends, Joey, the pilot for In Living Color), and he directed me!!! I've been directed by Kevin Bright. That's just cool yall!
Tonight I hit the Hooker-Dunham theatre in Brattleboro, VT. I'll be opening for Brian Longwell.
Tomorrow, it's off to SUNY Purchase to host a Get Out the Vote event for PUSH, a student activist organization.