[NP] Next Station, Baratunde.com. Doors Opening on Your Left
also available online @ http://www.baratunde.com/blog/archives/2006/11/np_next_station.html
I've always dreamed of having a subway station named after me, and it looks as though my wish may come true. Keep reading to find out about that, my upcoming shows in NYC, how the Def Jam audition went, a link to my post-election analysis on public radio plus a new, weekly t-shirt giveaway
This is a long one, but worth every word unlike previous NewsPhlashes which were worth maybe every fifth word at best.
Tuesday, November 14th (TONIGHT!)
Morrison Motel
Cornelia Street Cafe b/w Bleecker & West 4th, 9pm, $10
feat. John Morrison, Brian Longwell, Ophira Eisenberg, Frank Vignola & more
(go there early and have a great dinner)
Saturday November 18th
Comedy at the Shea, 8pm
Shea Theatre, Turner Falls, Mass.
headliner Tony V (The Brotherhood on Showtime)
Monday November 20th
Laughing Liberally, NYC, 8pm
45th Street Theatre b/w 8th & 9th
feat. Dean Obeidallah (SNL), Julie Goldman (VH-1) & more
What Happened with Def Jam, Son!?
Oh, THAT ol' thing?
The Def Comedy Jam auditions were hot hot hot. I felt like I had a great set, but I won't know anything solid for a few months. In the meanwhile, check out this blog entry for more about the show and how I got to be in a TV pilot scene directed by Kevin Bright (producer of Friends).
As you can imagine, I thought last week was like the 21st century version of the end of slavery, given the results of the elections. I was chatting with some expat friends in Europe, and while they love the stronger currency over there, they're really looking forward to coming home now that sanity has triumphed.
Here in Massachusetts, Deval Patrick won in a landslide versus Kerry "Rape Me" Healey. I've been involved in Patrick's campaign from the start and am proud to say I've done some writing for him.
The good folks over at Christopher Lydon's Radio Open Source had me on for a second time, this time to discuss my take on the national and state results.
You can listen to the show here:
Due to the seriousness of the threats I faced, I have (at least temporarily) removed my account of the MBTA incident from this site.
In 23 weeks, I will have been doing standup comedy for five years. To celebrate, I'm giving away a book or t-shirt to a member of my mailing list for EACH OF THOSE WEEKS!!
That's right. And YOU get a t-shirt!! and YOU get a t-shirt!! and YOU get a book, etc.
23 weeks.
23 shirts or books.
Here's how it works. I'm showing love just to you folks on my email list. You've been with me through the Friendster implosion. You survived when those tubes on the Internet got all clogged with Sen. Ted Stevens's bullshit. You kept reading even though doing so made you a cut and run, Christmas-hating, flip flopping traitor.
(To those reading this on my blog, Facebook or MySpace, join the email list at www.baratunde.com for a chance to win.)
1. You must REPLY to a NewsPhlash email for a chance to win. You can't just be writing me cause you have my email.
2. In your email, please include at least ONE of the following
a) your favorite joke, blog post, book piece or other creation of mine and why
b) when you first saw me perform or read my work and what you remember
c) an explanation as to why Bill Clinton is so buddy-buddy with Bush the elder
d) a response to something I wrote in NewsPhlash
e) a contact at a club, theatre or college you think would dig my comedy
3. Include your first name and current city of residence
4. You must be cool with me mentioning you by name/city in subsequent NewsPhlashes along with your answers to option A through D above, if you win.
5. If you are not selected, you are still eligible to purchase a shirt or book with your own money
6. If you are me, you are not eligible to win
Each week, I'll go through the responses and declare a winner on the following Monday via NewsPhlash and my blog. You do not have to submit in a particular week to be the winner that week. If you reply once, you're in the pool. Multiple submissions won't help you win, but they will make me love you more.
The Prizes.
A choice between
1) My first book, Better Than Crying, autographed
2) any one of my t-shirts
Finally, many of you may have noticed I'm using a new email list service. The biggest sign that I'm with a new service is that you are actually receiving this message (don't ever do business with topica.com BTW).
What I need you to do is click on the link at the very bottom of this message and update your profile. At a minimum, add your zip code, so I have some idea of where my people are and can provide a more accurate report to the Department of Fatherland Security.
MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/baratunde
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=2244
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/baratunde
FLICKR: http://www.flickr.com/photos/baratunde/
MOJOS: http://www.dailycomedy.com/baratunde_thurston/home/
HOME: http://www.baratunde.com
BLOG: http://www.baratunde.com/blog